Vital Records of Massachusetts: Andover

Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2016) > Andover


Births: 1: 248–56

Daniel, s. Nath[ani]ell and Dorothy ___ [1710]
Deborah, d. Nath[ani]ll and Dorathy, ___ [1703?]
Dorcas, d. twin, Dorothy, ____5, [1701]
Dorothy, d. Nathaniel and Dorothy, May 24, 1697
Ezekiell, s. Nathaniel and Dorothy, May 24, 1697
Ezekiel, s. Nath[ani ]ell and Dorathy, ___ [1705?]
Nathanael, s. Nathanael and Dorothy, Feb. 7, 1698-9
Timothy, s. twin [torn] and Dorothy ___ 5 [1705]

Marriages: 2: 220–225

Nathaniell, and Dorothy Hoyt, Mar. 21, 1693-4

Deaths: 2: 492–6

Dorothy, w. Nath[anie]ll, May 17, 1714, a. abt. 40 y.
Nathaniel, Mar. 7, 1752, in his 85th y.


Births: 329

Dorcas, d. John and Dorcas, Oct. 22, 1742
[Samuel, C.R. 1.], s. John and Dorcas, Feb. 4, 1731-2.
____, s. John and Dorcas, Sept. g, 1735.

Marriages: 2:298

John [of Portsmouth, int.], and Darcus Lovejoy, Oct. 26, 1727.*
John, and [wid. int.] Hannah Lancaster of Methuen, at Methuen, Nov. 27, 1751.*
Joshua, and Lydia Lovjoy, Dec. 24, 1735.*